Tips to Prevent tire burst this summer in UAE

Tips to Prevent tire bust this summer in UAE 2017-18

Tips to Avoid a Tire Burst in the UAE this Summer

Winter’s almost over; summer has just arrived and is already showing its effects. Your car requires more care in the summer than in any other season because tires can easily get damaged in hot weather, especially in the UAE, where the heat is intense. Since the weather will be harsh, you must ensure you’re prepared. Regarding cars, it’s not the body that takes all the beating but the tires that get affected the most, as they are between you and the road. That’s why proper maintenance of tires is more important than you think. Keep reading and prevent tire busts this summer!

  • New tires at the back


When getting a new pair of tires, they should first be installed on the rear side. Why? It’s simple; newer tires help in emergency braking, and they have better control on wet surfaces and better handling rather than being rear or front-wheel drive.

  • Wear and tear


Summer and going on vacations go without saying, knowing that tires go through rugged terrains and other surfaces, and they can take quite the beating. Keep checking your tire’s conditions to ensure they are not worn out. Don’t ignore this because if you miss it, it will reduce the tire’s ability to grip the road, which can be dangerous, and safety is your priority to keep you and your family safe.

  • Store your tires


Even when your car is not in use, the tires will still wear out; Due to the sheer weight of the vehicle, it can start disturbing the tire’s surface. When storing tires, keep these things in mind; store them away from any heat source, never stack them on each other for extended periods, and keep them away from any material that can infiltrate the tire.


  • Replace the Worn Out Tyre


Tires are not something that will last a lifetime. No matter how reliable they can be. Tires have an expiration date, as all things do. Once past the date, they mainly weaken before that. Once they wear out to a certain extent, the solution is simple: to replace them with new ones.

In weather with extreme heat, like in the Middle East, tires usually exhaust much more quickly. Feel free to consult a professional and ask them for advice on when it’s the right time to replace them.


The Valve modules in the tire are made of rubber and can weaken over time. It is like a primary air seal. Have you heard of the word’ Valve’ before? Yes, you most certainly have. Our hearts have valves, and the valves of tires are just as important as our hearts’ valves. Tire valves need to be replaced regularly and can help increase tire life and maintain sufficient air pressure.

Follow these steps and prevent a tire bust this summer! It’s important!